Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Unplanned detour only 10 min into our travel to Cedar Campus via Menomonee, MI. A trucker pulled even with us (bless him) motioned that something was not right with the MH. We pulled off and Jim found a lot of red sticky fluid coming out of the engine. NOT GOOD!

Miracle #1:  The tow truck arrived 45 min. ahead of schedule, but it took three hours to get us to a shop that could help us. Fortunately, we were still near home and had several shops to call. Only one said they would try to help us. Others said middle of the next week, maybe.

Miracle #2:  The shop in Elmhurst would allow us to stay in the MH overnight. It was a shop that ran two shifts and they had a transmission specialist on the evening shift. They would have him look at it so parts could be ordered. After going out to dinner, we spent about two more hours in their customer lounge before the supervisor came to see us. He asked if we had driven or been towed to the shop. If we had driven, he was pretty sure we would have severely damaged the engine.

Miracle #3:  We had lost a clamp that held a hose in the cooling system! They had the clamp, replaced it (a few hundred dollars later) and we were back on the road by 9:30 PM. Made it to Menomonee by late morning in time to be ready for the Chris Hagens to arrive for the night.

All of us: Jim Hagens, Chris Hagens and the Bos family arrived at camp and settled in.